Eye Examinations

Our eye tests – well-known for their thoroughness and care

We understand the difference between a good and a poor eye test, which is why we’re able to provide you with examinations which are thorough, detailed and easy to explain.
Checking for all major visual problems, we can make sure you receive the care you deserve.

When should I have my eyes tested?

Your eyes should be checked by a professional at least once every two years. The frequency of your visit will vary if you already suffer a serious eye condition or wear contact lenses, in which case we may ask you for more regular visits to check on your progress.

What sight-related issues can be helped with regular eye tests?

Your eyes will be checked for a number of issues. These include:

  • Age-related Macular Degeneration
  • Dry eye syndrome
  • Glaucoma
  • Cataracts
  • Flashes and floaters

We’ll also check for a variety of non-sight related problems. These include:

  • High blood pressure
  • Diabetes

These checks are included in your examinations as standard, putting your mind at ease with every visit.

What will happen after my examination?

Once we’ve completed your eye test, we’ll explain any changes in your sight to you in simple, easy to understand terms. We’ll arrange a new lens prescription, if any is needed, and give you all the time and guidance you need to select the best and most suitable niche eyewear for you.

Do I qualify for NHS treatment?

A number of different people qualify for NHS optical examinations if they fall into certain categories and their eye care is considered clinically necessary. For more information on NHS treatment in England, follow this link or give us a call.

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